DH2024 Workshop – Computational Literary Studies: How To Do Research Responsibly (Program) 

Date 5 August 2024 (ET Timezone, UTC -4)

Location Hazel Hall 332 and Zoom

9:00-10:30 Intro & Keynote I

Amy Earhart, Ethical Datasets: Embodied Digital Approaches

10:30-10:45 Break

10:45-11:30 Lightning talks – session I

Julian Häußler, Dominik Gerstorfer, Evelyn Gius

Using Jupyter Notebooks as Research and Presentation Environment – Experiences from the Project KatKit

Jan K. Argasiński, Iwona Grabska-Gradzińska, Karol Przystalski, Jeremi K. Ochab*, Tomasz Walkowiak

Stylometric Analysis of LLM-Generated Commentaries

Takehiro Hashimoto

A lightning talk proposal for literary text analysis using LLM

Joseph Rudman

Genre vs. Authorship in Non-Traditional Attribution Studies – A Work in Progress

11:30-11:45 Break

11:45-12:30 Demo session

Joanna Byszuk, From raw texts to meaningful results: working with curated datasets

12:30-13:30 Lunch

13:30-15:00 Keynote speech II

Artjoms Šeļa, How to do research responsibly and be bad at math?

15:00-15:15 Break

15:15-16:00 Lightning talks – session II

José Calvo Tello, Nanette Rißler-Pipka, Lukas Weimer, Ubbo Veentjer, Daniel Kurzawe, Ralf Klammer, Mathias Göbel, Stefan E. Funk, George Dogaru, Stefan Buddenbohm, Florian Barth

Responsability through FAIRness or why you Should Bring your Texts to TextGrid Repository

So Miyagawa, Yuzuki Tsukagoshi , Yuki Kyogoku, Kyoko Amano

Computational Analysis of Intertextuality in Vedic Texts: A Progress Report

Patrick Juola

Stylometry and Writing Systems

Kahyun Choi

Toward Equitable and Diverse Digital Poetry Libraries

Florentina Armaselu

Generic, Specific and Satirical Modes in 18th Century English Novels

16:00-16:30 Open mic

Organizing committee

Maciej Eder (CLS-Infra)
Joanna Byszuk (CLS-Infra and SIG-DLS)
Simone Rebora (SIG-DLS)
Berenike Herrmann (SIG-DLS)
Suzanne Mpouli (SIG-DLS)
Pablo Ruiz Fabo (SIG-DLS)

DH2024 Workshop – Computational Literary Studies: How To Do Research Responsibly (CfP) 

In the context of the DH2024 Conference “Reinvention & Responsibility” (https://dh2024.adho.org/), the SIG-DLS is organizing a pre-conference workshop entitled “Computational Literary Studies: How To Do Research Responsibly”

The overarching goal is to present, promote, and showcase a subfield of DH that has recently reached — or seems to have reached — a critical point of its maturity. Known under the name of Computational Literary Studies, Digital Literary Studies, or Cultural Analytics, the field primarily revolves around computer-assisted analysis of literary sources. It was commenced by the groundbreaking initiative SIG-DLS (https://dls.hypotheses.org/), and then further developed by a few other endeavors, e.g. the CLS Priority Programme founded by DFG (https://dfg-spp-cls.github.io/), the JCLS journal (https://jcls.io/), the CCLS annual conference (https://jcls.io/site/conference/), the Journal of Cultural Analytics (https://culturalanalytics.org/), the CHR annual conference (https://computational-humanities-research.org/), the COST Action Distant Reading (https://www.distant-reading.net/), and the CLS INFRA project founded by Horizon2020 (https://clsinfra.io/). 

The idea behind the workshop is to consolidate the already existing initiatives, and to share experiences between projects, centers, and scholars involved in DLS/CLS. The workshop program will be composed by a combination of invited talks, demo sessions, and lightning talks. 

With this Call, we are inviting submissions for lightning talks (max. 5 minutes) on ongoing projects, research ideas, and infrastructures in DLS/CLS. Please send a 250-word abstract to simone.rebora@univr.it by 15 May 2024. Proposals will be evaluated by the organizing committee and notifications sent by 30 May 2024.

Organizing committee

Maciej Eder (CLS-Infra)
Joanna Byszuk (CLS-Infra and SIG-DLS)
Simone Rebora (SIG-DLS)
Berenike Herrmann (SIG-DLS)
Suzanne Mpouli (SIG-DLS)
Pablo Ruiz Fabo (SIG-DLS)