The SIG-DLS is offering two stipends (400 Euros each) for short-term scientific missions, to allow SIG-DLS members to visit experts in the field and conduct research/training in line with the SIG DLS’s aims. This should benefit diffusion of skills/knowledge and foster networking/community building.
With this Call for SIG-DLS stipends, we invite submissions by 24 November 2024. Applications should be made via the dedicated online form ( – you need to log in via Google to access it) and should be composed of:
- A CV of the applicant;
- A motivation letter (max one page) detailing the planned activity for the short-term scientific mission;
- A letter from the host confirming their intention to host the applicant (the letter should be signed and should contain all contact details).
Proposals will be evaluated by the SIG-DLS Steering Committee based on the following criteria:
- Academic age of the applicant;
- Quality of the envisioned research/training plan;
- Coherence with the host expertise.
Applicants will be notified by 1 December 2024 and stipends will be transferred to the successful applicant by 31 December 2024. Awardees will have to submit a report (in the form of a blog post) after completion of their mission, which will be published on the SIG-DLS website.
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Simone Rebora (November 4, 2024). Call for SIG-DLS stipends. Digital Literary Stylistics (SIG-DLS). Retrieved January 23, 2025 from