Seven years have passed since the constitution of the ADHO Special Interest Group “Digital Literary Stylistics” (SIG-DLS). In the meantime, the research field has changed, with the advent of new methodologies (drawing on the constantly growing field of computational linguistics) and the affirmation of emerging theories and definitions (such as the modeling paradigm in “computational literary studies”). At the same time, some aspects and reference points have remained the same, such as the confirmed success of frequency-based approaches and the pivotal role of statistical methods.
With this workshop, we would like to provide a renewed overview of the field of Digital Literary Stylistics, in ideal dialogue with the seminal workshop organized at DH2016, which allowed the constitution of the SIG-DLS. We therefore open a Call for Papers to all related areas of research, including (and not limited to):
- understanding and improving “classic” stylometric methods (between Delta and Zeta)
- stylometric feature engineering (character n-grams, words, syntax, and beyond)
- integration with advanced language models (e.g. word embeddings and Transformer models)
- identifying the source(s) of stylistic difference (from authors to genres, epochs, and beyond)
- style annotations (e.g. phenomenological dimension of style, gestalt annotations)
- style in different contexts (e.g. social media style, style of artificial agents)
- style in translation, cross-linguistic and cross-cultural style comparisons
- style as reader/text interaction
- style and complexity
- style and quality
- tools, platforms and infrastructures for digital literary stylistics
- (FAIR) development and sharing of corpora and collections
To submit a contribution, please send a brief abstract for a 20-minute presentation (max 250 words) to by 26 April 2023. All proposals will be peer-reviewed by the programme committee and notifications of acceptance will be sent by 8 May 2023.
SIG-DLS Bursary: for this year, SIG-DLS offers two bursaries (500 Euros each) to outstanding papers presented by early stage researchers. If you intend to apply, please add a short letter of motivation to your submission.
Organising & programme committee
Simone Rebora (University of Mainz)
Joanna Byszuk (Institute of Polish Language of the Polish Academy of Sciences)
Francesca Frontini (Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale “A. Zampolli”, CNR Pisa)
Berenike Herrmann (Bielefeld University, Basel University)
Suzanne Mpouli (Paris Cité University)
Pablo Ruiz Fabo (University of Strasbourg)
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Simone Rebora (March 15, 2023). DH2023 Workshop – SIG-DLS Seven Years on (CfP). Digital Literary Stylistics (SIG-DLS). Retrieved January 23, 2025 from